For over 10 years, customers (ourselves included) have often needed to use an alternative to the humble desk phone. This often took the form of a desktop or mobile app.
As one of only a handful of UK distributors we have been recommending and supplying what was then called Counterpath X-Lite, now called Counterpath Bria Enterprise successfully since 2009, with the uptake exploding during the last 2 years to facilitate mass working from home.
Bria has been a great tool for voice calling and after Couterpath’s aquisition by US firm Alianza last year, we saw a great improvement in app stability and support.
However the feature set has fallen behind the curve in the last few years beyond customer acceptability and we have known for some time it is no longer the best App to use with the ever evolving SiP Cloud platform.
As a result we will be ending our strategic partnership and retiring the service on the 31st December 2022.
bria retiring – 31/12/2022
So what’s going to replace it? Well we’re glad you asked. We have been working on our own App for the last 6 months and will be releasing the first iteration within the next month.
We are excited to show you what we’ve been working on and will contact all customers directly to announce the new product launch.
This will be the start of an exciting journey in our App development as we bring out a number of major software releases throughout 2022. Watch this space.