Since the release of our VoIP mobile app back in January of this year we’ve been collecting customer feedback, tweaking, updating, improving, fixing, optimising, adding more features and generally working hard to make both desktop and mobile versions of our app the best they can be. There is still more to do and there are lots of new features and tweaks in the pipeline but we thought we’d share what we have done so far:
Mobile App
We’ve added CallerID Name support, now system tags such as department name (along with the callers phone number) are displayed on screen when an inbound call comes in.
We’ve added Bluetooth support so that you can now use your bluetooth work headset or your own personal headphones which have an in-built microphone.
Password recovery is now available from the mobile app as well as the desktop app (which has had the feature for a while).
App permissions reminder; should a required permission get disabled, the app will remind you to turn it back on next time you login.
We’ve added large text support on older devices. Newer devices have this built-in by default via the phone’s OS.
We’ve made improvements to the Call History so exact dialled info is displayed.
We’ve improved search fuctionality for contacts and team mates.
Continuous bug fixes and minor tweaks and improvements to the user interface.
Desktop App
When performing a blind or attended transfer, you can now search for the team member or contact via input box.
Outbound Call History and Recent Calls sections now display the exact number you dialled (including any feature codes) making it easier to redial by clicking on the call history entry.
Added the new inbound screen pop. You can now answer, reject or ignore calls without having to open the main app.
We’ve redesigned our DND feature so your state change appears immediately on team mates apps.
You can now minimise the app to you task bar so the app is always running without you having to keep it open, this was a popular request.
There are a lot more improvements and new features in the works so watch this space for more updates in the next few months. As always, thank you to our customers for their invaluable suggestions and feedback.