Sipalto App – Feature Updates

Uptake of the SiPalto App for Desktop has grown by a wopping 10 times in 2023. Overall we’ve had very positive feedback from customers which has been really inspiring as well as some valuable insights and feature requests.

We’ve worked hard to add lots of new features and improvements to the app since the start of the year so instead of keeping them a secret we thought it might be best to share them with you so here goes…

1. Callback option added to call history – Now you can press a callback icon to call numbers in your History.

2. Callback option added in Voicemail – Similar to the callback in Call History, a callback icon is also available in the Voicemail section.

3. Added dialpad search box – The input box on the dialpad can now be used to search for team members and contacts.

4. Redesigned in-call DTMF – We’ve improved the in-call DTMF page so now you can hang-up without going back to the previous screen.

5. Added in-call Mic and Speaker selection – You can now choose a different mic and speaker whilst on a call.

6. Added Missed Call Notifications – A new missed call icon appears on the home screen with the number of missed calls.

7. Added New Voicemail Notifications – A new Voicemail icon appears with the number of unread voicemails.

8. Improved Call History page – We’ve improved the call history page to show whether a call is inbound/outbound or missed along with callback, voicemail and recording playback shortcuts.

9. Improved Visual Voicemail page – We’ve improved the voicemail page allowing you to playback and download a voicemail, delete messages, mark as read or re-mark as unread.

10. Responsive styling added – App re-sizing has been re-built so that users can reduce the app right down to ‘skinny’ mode.

11. Added profile picture support – Now you can add a profile picture which will show up on team mate’s apps next to your name, as well as appear on their screen when you call them.

12. Added Global Contacts Sync – Admins can now add an unlimited size global contacts list which can sync to all users.

13. Added bulk importing and exporting for personal contacts – You can now upload in bulk instead of adding one at a time as well as export all your contacts in bulk.

14. Re-designed the Settings – The settings section has been completely re-designed which paves the way for an intuitive settings structure when we add more features and options.

15. Added real-time call quality monitor – To help users identify broadband issues we’ve added a real-time call quality monitor, this visual display tells you whether you have a good call or a poor call so that users can address any issues quicker.

16. Added Windows protocol selector – Windows users can now click on phone numbers on website and call them directly within the SiPalto App.

17. Improved notifications pop-up – Users can now click on the inbound call screen-pop to bring the SiPalto App to the forefront of the screen, we plan to develop this further in 2023 so watch this space.

So when I said we’ve been busy, I really did mean WE’VE been busy. But it has been worth it.

The features and improvements outlined above have been implemented in just 4 months to make the VoIP part of the SiPalto App something really special.

We have some much bigger features in development and we can’t wait to reveal them to you, we’ll post another update soon with those new features and enhancements.